Contract Negotiations Extended Beyond Deadline
2016 No. 8 – May 25, 2016
You are reading the latest Contract Update produced and distributed by the NPMHU during the course of 2016 negotiations. These updates, along with the Union’s magazine and monthly bulletins, will keep mail handlers throughout the country informed and involved in the issues raised during this round of bargaining.
As expected, a lot happened during the final days of this year’s regular bargaining period. The Postal Service and NPMHU negotiated right up until the clock struck midnight on Friday, May 20. Despite these efforts, however, an agreement on all of the outstanding terms and conditions of employment could not be reached before the deadline.
At the same time, there were many issues that the parties were able to resolve during the 90-day timeframe for initial negotiations. Both sides made considerable progress in this regard. President Hogrogian and USPS representative Patrick Devine initialed over twenty tentative agreements concerning workplace rules.
That said, these tentative agreements are null and void if the parties fail to reach an overall agreement on a new National Agreement. Thus, the Union and Postal Service agreed to extend their negotiations indefinitely. This gives both sides more time to talk through economics and work rules not yet settled.
On May 24, President Hogrogian shared this information and more with the Local Presidents attending the pre-scheduled contract meeting in Washington, DC. He expressed optimism about the likelihood that the National parties would eventually be able to reach a negotiated settlement, followed by a ratification vote by the entire NPMHU membership.
Local Union Presidents and others in attendance at the contract meeting on May 24 had the opportunity to ask questions about the last 90 days of National bargaining. Their questions were both pointed and on point, demonstrating a high level of knowledge and interest in the bargaining process.
It is critically important that the entire Union maintains this engagement as the bargaining process continues through the upcoming weeks and months. As developments occur, circulation of these Contract Updates will continue, so please check your bulletins for more information.
- Jefferson Peppers - Vice President - Central Region
- John Gibson - Vice President - Eastern Region
- David Wilkin - Vice President - Northwestern Region
- Lawrence Sapp - Vice President - Western Region